Social media and me

Social media is what you make it ~

I used to only have pictures like the ones on the left..but that was only because I felt that was the only side of myself that acceptable to show. But its not. My attitude to social media was so unhealthy, I constantly compared myself to these perfect images I always saw and when I didn’t look the same I wouldn’t show it. Both sides of the photo is me, sometimes I like to get dressed up and pose and feel like a bad ass BUT that is not how I always look and that’s what’s so important to realise.
If your feed is filled with things that make you feel bad about who you are don’t follow them. Unfollow anyone who pressures you into doing anything that doesn’t make you happy. Follow accounts that bring you joy and help you grow as a person. Anything less than that is not worth your time!
Please don’t compare yourself to what you see on social because what you see is not real. People don’t tend to post anything other than what they deem as ‘perfection’ and life isn’t perfect, but that is exactly what makes it so beautiful. It is impossible to be what you see on others social media because it’s NOT real so use this platform to further yourself not to deflate yourself.


You have five new likes,

ten comments and four DMs,

twelve new people have requested to follow you,

have looked at your bio and decided they must get to know you,

because you speak two languages and have dark tanned skin,

your body looks peng in that picture,

you look so damn slim,

hey babe what’s your snapchat xx,

watch how they slide into your DMs,

throw compliments at you based on one picture that took 45 attempts,

because the lighting makes you glow,

and that angle is the best,

and by best I mean unrealistic,

I mean your attempt at being perfect,

because all these other girls always look so perfect,

smile so perfect,

are so perfect,

because they get 10,000 likes so,

that must be what we idealise,

I have to be that perfect,

why am I not perfect